Official Website of George Walton Post 371
41 N. Lakeview Drive, P.O. Box 125, Gibbsboro, NJ 08026
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 1800 hours except July & August.
The officers and members of George Walton Post 371 would like to welcome you to our official website. The American Legion and our Post are dedicated to those that have honorably served their country in the armed forces.
Located in the heart of south Jersey, Post 371 was established in 1946 and plays an important role in our community.
We welcome all active military personnel, and veterans who have served honorably. Joining Post 371 enables you to continue serving your Country and Community. Our mission is to implement the goals, aspirations, dreams, peace and blessings for our country, friends and families embodied in our preamble below.
Post 371 is both a veterans' and community service organization. We provide a variety of services and programs throughout the south Jersey area. Additional programs are provided by our Legion Family --American Legion Auxiliary, Sons of the American Legion, American Legion Riders and Honor Guard.
Hopefully your visit here will be both informative and enjoyable. Please take a few moments to browse our various categories to find out what is happening in and around Post 371. We gladly welcome new members to come join in our alliance of kindred spirits. Feel free to call (856.783.7327) or email any questions or comments.
Thank you for visiting us.
For God and Country,
Howard Secrest, Post Commander
"For God and Country, we associate ourselves together for the following purposes:
- To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America;
- to maintain law and order;
- to foster and perpetuate a 100-percent Americanism;
- to preserve the memories and incidents of our associations in all wars;
- to inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation;
- to combat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses;
- to make right the master of might;
- to promote peace and good will on earth;
- to safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom and democracy;
- to consecrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness."
Let us not forget . . .
All Gave Some, Some Gave All.